Back from Chicago!

I am back from Chicago! I have so much to tell so here I go! My brother has graduated to the navy so e all went down to see him! he carried a flag and looked so serious while he was walking and my mom and my grandmother were both screaming! I was happy to see my brother and very proud of him! When it was liberty time (let loose for the graduates to see the family) we had to tell him smile because he still looked serious. He said he got paid tons and now starts school there for the real thing in two weeks. He loves what he is dong he says. He has changed but in someways the same

He has turned into something terrific! I am willing to join the navy with him but I have a lot of training to do by myself. We had to fly back today and I have a fear of planes and I was apart from my family for some reason. I wanted us to be sitting together but were not. I sat in the middle of two people one man was playing a game sodoku puzzle it is hard! he explained the game and ripped some pages out for m to have. One baby on the plane started screaming and the mom did nothing lol but not lol. my mom said she sat next to them so she was being tortured. But it was ok I just hope my brother stays strong  in the navy knowing what he has to do and for me to NEVER EVER EVER! go back on a plane in my life! I don’t like planes! Well I gotta get some sleep even though its hours past the time I sleep. Also look for some Cpvibe videos coming soon comedy and cpmvs that’s it for now! Bye!

About blogboy93

hi im blogboy93 the owner of this site giving you the latest updates about club penguin. if you have any comments or questions feel free to ask. This blog was created to help others and give the latest updates.

Posted on July 29, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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